... Annnddddd, you would be right... I AM. But, as John Lennon would say "I'm not the only one,"... hopefully... But I'll tell you one thing... I am sick and tired of people's complacency and apathy. I don't understand their jaded detachment... and I don't want to! ...
No matter how many times I've been let down by people, disenchanted of my intrinsic subconscious fairy-tale fancies, or entangled in unrequited "love," I always seem to rebound like a buoyant, always-eager-for-love puppy. Sure, it may take me some time to heal, but I usually go right back to my persistent, anticipative ways... Sure, there have been times where I wished I had the capacity for sensitivity equal to that of a rock, but in retrospect, I'm glad God made me this way (needless to say He does everything for a reason, but this is one of those "things" that I'm starting to appreciate). Because, frankly, people who exhibit no opinions on the matter at hand and say things like "I don't care" or "whatever you want" or "sure [I'll hang out with you, but it really doesn't have anything to do with me enjoying your company, I'm just bored]" bore me to frustration... CARE... about SOMETHING... and, hey!, it's ok to express that sentiment even thoughyou might be rejected; but you know what? You're going to face rejection more than once in your life so you might want to become acquainted with it; it's really not that bad... despite wide-held beliefs that it kills you.. IT DOESN'T. And you know what else? (if you have any ounce of insight into word play, you'll know what's coming next)
N-n-now that that don't kill me can only make me stronger...
Kanye said it, not me.
And don't we all want to be JUST LIKE HIM??..... but that is a good saying.
I just spent an HOUR away from work, where I could've been making 8$ (and believe me, I need that 8$), walking what would probably equal the span of the whole campus, trying to meet with two of my professors about something that really doesn't seem important enough to miss work for in retrospect. And did I realize that when Professor #1 said "tomorrow" in his email he wrote at 3 am this morning, he actually MEANT TOMORROW, Friday the 21st, and nottoday the 20th because, technically, even though he wrote it when nobody but the Devil is awake, tomorrow, in respect to today, is TOMORROW, FRIDAY...??? And did I notice that Professor #2's office hours only apply to Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, NOT Thursdays.. or Tuesdays for that matter... even though I've read that a numberless amount of times and it was posted on a piece of paper taped to his door that I stared at for 15 minutes...??? NO! I didn't. Let me just say that everyone who saw me walking back to my office, probably thought I was on my way to park myself in a closed garage, start the car, sit back, and breathe in the fresh carbon monoxide. (Sorry if that offends anyone, but that is literally what would come to mind if you saw the expression my face was giving off on that walk of shame). -Since we all know how much I love collages and looking at myself, I put together a little montage, sequence of events from pictures that I took only a few moments ago so that the anguish on my face was still fresh/raw. For your enjoyment since you weren't there to witness it:
1.) Long, exaggerated sigh 2.) a thousand-yard stare 3.) this one is really pathetic 4.) let go and let God.
In the past week or so I've seen 3 good movies, one of which I wasn't so sure about, but it turned out to be a lot better than I had anticipated. These 3 movies were: The Romantics, The Social Network, and Country Strong, respectively. (Country Strong being the one I "wasn't so sure about") The Romantics is a Plum Pictures indie film (which I love), but more importantly, it had Adam Brody in it. What I really love about Adam Brody (besides his undeniable beauty) is the fictional (but hopefully somewhere out there) character he played on "The O.C.," Seth Cohen. My one love in life... well who am I kidding, I fall in love everyday.
WHAT... a lovely creation...
Unfortunately, the drawbacks of indie films is that they're so... "indie"... In case you're not catching my drift, this implies that even I, with my authoritative research skills (which is really just my relentless curiosity, persistence, and ample amount of time on the computer), can't find ANYTHING of value regarding the movie's components, including the impeccable soundtrack and quality script filled with innumerable eloquent (I like that word) quotations. So, I GUESS I'm going to have to buy it when it comes out and watch the movie over and over again until I've gotten all the information I need. NEXT.
The Social Network, I'll admit, looked pretty stupid to me when I first saw the previews, probably because I was watching a parody of the actual preview.
"If every website got a melodramatic adaption"
Anyway, needless to say, it released and was sensational, "the first truly great... movie of the 21st century." HOLY COW. That's a great movie.
But in all seriousness, it was genius; and I mean that quite literally. This guy (and everyone else in the movie) is a GENIUS. It's hard to call a guy an a-hole when everything he says is technically true even though it's completely repugnant. This movie made me want to attend Harvard and outwit everyone into thinking I'm blameless even if that's not at all the case. His weapon literally is his mind. Ok so also two of my other favorite actors (or eye candy, whichever you prefer) were in this movie, and NO, I'm actually NOT including Justin Timberlake. This time it's the British beauties Max Minghella and Andrew Garfield. Max Minghella first won my heart with his portrayal in Elvis and Anabelle, also an indie film THREE YEARS for because I'm not a freaking Sundance or SBSW employee, and apparently they think it's funny to tease someone with an incredibly intriguing trailer three years before they actually decide to release the movie.
I threw some Andrew Garfield in there too... speaking of which, that girl in that picture with him (top right) is kind of in my way... how rude. There is a lot of the "smolder" look in this collage.. but what can I say.. it works for them.
Anyway, back to the SN, it also had a good soundtrack, but one of my favorites that wasn't included in the soundtrack was the remake of Radiohead's "Creep" (one of my all time favorites) for the preview; it was remade by an all girls choir called Scala & Kolacny Brothers. NEXT.
Ok last one, and it's short because I don't have much to say about Country Strong, which for the life of me I can't say right ( I keep saying Country Song). Granted, it was better than I thought it would be, and there were a lot of cliche, yet undeniably good quotations about "love" and other junk, and there was this one song that resembles a stalker's creepy manifesto, but if you hear it with the song then it's all good... So here are some of the notable lines from the movie:
-"Don't be afraid to fall in love. It's the only thing that matters in life. Fall in love with as many things as possible" - ( and God knows I do that.)
-"I'm gonna wear you down, I'm gonna make you see, I'm gonna get to you, you're gonna give into me. I'm gonna start a fire, you're gonna feel the heat, I'm gonna burn for you, you're gonna melt for me... My heart is set on you, I don't want no one else, and if you don't want me, I guess I'll be all by myself. Come on, give into me..." -In case you couldn't tell... that's the slightly psychotic one.. BUT HEY, who of us isn't slightly psychotic sometimes? Technically, you could say that all of those feelings are completely normal and not deranged at all... or maybe just leaning toward a tendency for mild obsession. BUT ISN'T THAT WHAT LOVE IS ALL ABOUT?..... hahaha I'm kidding folks.. don't get your knickers in a twist.
Well this has been an interesting week for sure. Florence (Alabama of course) got about nine inches of snow. I got two days off of work and they were basically the best two days of my life, well not really but close anyways. My neighbor, his girlfriend and I built this massive snowman and igloo, as seen above. We worked on it from about 10:30 PM until 3:30 AM. It was kind of ridiculous, but really fun. But now when I drive around all I see is melting snow mixed in with mud. It isn't very pretty and is quite depressing. It actually reminds me of how my week went. It started out great and I got very excited about some things, but of course things didn't work out like I had planned and the week gradually got worse. But no worries, I will soon be over it.
So, here I am, laying in bed in someone else's house trying to avoid watching the imminent National Championship because I'm surprisingly nervous and apprehensive, which is odd given that I don't really care anything about football; but, I do care about Auburn, a lot, for a multitude of reasons that don't really need to be written down, because, let's face it... if you've ever even visited Auburn, you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, for some reason I just wanted to share with everyone (being the 3 or 4 people who happen to stumble upon this post) this concise yet eloquent quote from a song by The Dixie Chicks (who I'm actually not very fond of, but I admit I like this line)
"I wanna sleep on the hard ground, in the comfort of your arms, on a pillow of blue bonnets, in a blanket made of stars... I wanna be the only one for miles and miles, except for maybe you and your simple smile..."
At the end of the day, faith is a funny thing. It's like one day you realize that the fairy tale might be slightly different than you dreamed. The castle, well, it may not be a castle. And it's not so important that it's happy ever after, just that it's happy right now. See, once in a while, once in a blue moon, people will surprise you. And once in a while, people may even take your breath away.
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens...just teasing. But in all seriousness, I've decided to make a list of my favorite things. So if you ever want to get me a gift just refer to the following.
Im gonna start with my favorite foods because food is just my favorite in general. Favorite Foods
1. Cupcakes
2. Animal Crackers
3. Red and Pink candy (because it's delicious, not because it symbolizes valentines day)
4. Fries (basically my main food group)
Favorite Movies
1. Elvis and Annabelle
2. Almost Famous
3. Cruel Intentions
4. The Romantics
5. Beauty and the Beast
Favorite TV Shows
1. Boy Meets World
2. Saved by the Bell
3. Gossip Girl
4. Glee
5. Modern Family
6. Keeping Up with the Kardashians
7. Grey's Anatomy
Favorite Things In General
1. Christmas and anything Christmas related
2. Fires...in a fireplace
3. Pictures
4. Long talks with Shelby
5. Naps on Sundays after church
6. Naps in general
7. Disney Channel and Disney movies
8. ridiculous reality television (I cant look away)
9. my mom
10. long car rides with no destination
I mean I REALLY don't want to go back. You know how in high-school you would say to yourself, "Well, I really don't want to go back to the 'academic' part of school, but I do miss seeing those relentless despots (that some would call 'class mates') on a regular basis; maybe they've had a change of heart or an epiphany of sorts and will decide to be nice to me and cease that incessant taunting..."....? WELL THIS IS NOTHING LIKE THAT.
As I revel in the fleeting peacefulness of Auburn and its campus, I realize just how much I dislike this infestation of entities, be they students, professors, faculty, etc. It's nothing personal, I assure you; I know it's not your fault if you're not a "home-towner;" hey, after all, you didn't put Auburn University inAuburn; you're just minding your own business trying to get your BA or MD or PHD or MRS degree; and you're doing a darn good job of multitasking, what with the Skybar and the Bourban bar and the... Red Bar... it's amazing the percentage of students who are actually 21 and from Texas or Hawaii. Add to that the involvement in proficient organizations such as the esteemed "fraternities" and "sororities" and "SGA" and you've bogged yourself down. The last thing you need is some know-it-all with 7 hours of free time to be condemning you on her blog that no one reads while she's bored at work and has too much time on her hands. So believe me when I say that's NOT what I'm doing. I'm simply lamenting the loss of a time where there were (seemingly) no pedestrian-j-walking-car-possibly-drunk-driving accidents, when the AU Wal-Mart wasn't consistently out of everything necessary for operation, when the AU Police "force" didn't have five times the normal amount of policemen solely for the purpose of staking out the local bars/heavily traveled streets to give out DUIs and speeding tickets, or when it didn't take me twice as long to get somewhere because of rush hour traffic in a town that isn't even considered a major city of the state of Alabama.
BUT ALAS... school starts Monday, and if I have any aspirations of becoming the next world ruler like every other almost-20 year old, I have to go back and get that degree thing...
ALRIGHT PEOPLE. Can we please talk about Valentine's Day? Well I am going to wether you like it or not. Everywhere I go I see hearts and teddy bears and chocolate. WHY? I definitely think this day is way to overrated (and I am not just saying this because I am single so get off me). Even at my doctor's office it was all decked out in hearts and "will you be mine" stuff. Okay, when I am sick "love" is the last thing I want to think about. You wanna know what I have been doing on VDAY every year since about the 7th grade?? Watching horror movies with my BFF. Good ole Rebekah Thompson. Now THAT'S how you celebrate Valentines's Day. ANYWAYS.. I hope everyone had a good weekend :)
Maybe it's because of the increasing difficulty involved in the projects I'm taking on, or maybe it's because I'm just completely incompetent, despite my being told how strikingly intelligent I am by everyone I've ever come in contact with... o.k. that may be an exaggeration. But if this:
excuse for a functioning mail server gives me crap ONE MORE TIME... APPLE IS GONNA GET IT.... "doesn't accept my password" "certificate verified by unauthorized user" MY BUTT!... I can't even sync my stinking Auburn email to my computer and I've been a faithful patron for how long now?... ALMOST TWO YEARS.
Note: this post is not an excuse (*Katie & Clayton) to persecute or verbally abuse Macs, because it is widely acknowledged that Macs are beyond superior to PCs. THE END.
All by myself!!! I simultaneously downloaded several useless (and probably virus infected) software programs all to discover it could be done in WORD ART..... seriously. Anyway, the *it I'm talking about is the new and improved TITLE. :D See?! (Direct your attention to the top of the page ^) How instead of a boring ole' color for the font, it's A MAP!... Coupled with the map that is our blog background (which may or may not be changed in the near future) it's an improvement from the old black and white, right?!... Well, like the blog description says, it's still a work in progress, or an "ongoing renovation."
Alright! I'm back! I know, I know... this is the day you've been waiting for and it fulfills your wildest dreams blah blah blah. ANYWAY, over this copious Christmas break I did a few things and went a few places, namely: Birmingham, Summerville (GA), and New York City baby (specifically Pound Ridge with some monotonous train rides to the city). It was fun. This was my 5th-ish trip to NYC but my first time taking pictures so it was especially memorable. But what WASN'T so fondly memorable was the fact that a huge unnecessary blizzard hit basically the whole east coast of the U.S. and dashed our plans to fly out of ATL on the 26th. SO, my cousin (Katie, if your memory is failing you) didn't get to go! Because she has an obstinate boss who thinks that dry cleaning is more important than ME... as if. Anyway, as a part of OUR obstinate nature, we refused to be overcome and decided to make another visit to NYC in June :). Take that you Jubilant Christmas Vacation Adventure Nazi! ha.
Oh and the title (which I forgot to mention in my merited rampage) is in reference to one of my newly discovered bands whose song "Homme" is my favorite... as of New Year's Eve.
So I've decided I could run a small country. I basically do. Everyday. In a family of about 15 people, with a few extras we pick up on street corners, it is a small country. Cooking for the small country has become a stressful tasks. For some reason they think that they can now form opinions about my cooking. Well I have news for them: they can't. So from now on I will make what I want, and everyone will eat it, gladly. So tonight I'm making pasta. It will be delicious. Everyone will love it, even if I have to make it.
WELL to start of the new year day my friends and I really wanted to go ice skating. We even called the night before to make sure the place was going to be open. Well as it turns out we called the wrong place (which was a roller skating rink), and the real place we wanted to go was closed. BUT ANYWAYS, on our way to going ice skating (when we thought it was open) my friend Holly, the second one on the left, had always wanted to stop at this place called LaGrange College Site. So we did. It was so much fun. It was just like these little wooden houses all around, like it would have been back in the day. We just looked around and took pictures. Pretty much the best day ever.