Thursday, December 16, 2010


Alright so I am definitely new to this and I have no idea what to talk about. I am really not that interesting, but what they hey. School just ended for me yesterday so now all my life will consist of is pretty much work and seeing friends that are home from school, well, and Christmas of course :D. I cannot wait to see my family. For Christmas break I am going to Georgia and then I am off to New York with Clayton and Shelby. Considering I am leaving Tuesday for GA and I haven't bought a single Christmas present I should probably get on that. I swear I have made new friends this year without even realizing it cause I have about 15 people on my list compared to my usual five. However, I love buying gifts for people so I don't mind. OK so I know I have an extremely exciting life so I will continue blogging later JUST FOR YOU.

P.S. If you don't know me you will learn soon enough I am very sarcastic ;)



  1. hahaha nice spelling and see i told you you don't have to sign it! don't you see at the bottom where it says "Posted by Katie at..." ? hahaha

  2. yea yea btw can we change the castle? not all of us likes fairytales biz

  3. but it IS called "far far away"...

  4. well is there a better looking one or something?

  5. hahahah i like that one.. but I mean we can change it I don't care we just all need to decide on something we like... in the meantime i'll take it off

  6. well you coulda left it on in the meantime..
