Monday, June 6, 2011

This Magic Moment...

So, last weekend (Memorial Day Weekend) Clayton and I volunteered to work at this camp called Magic Moments which convenes this time every year on Lake Martin at Children's Harbor. I was told that the camp was established as a place for children, who have had their wish granted through the Make-a-Wish Foundation, to vacation every year with their families until they are 18; if any of this second-hand knowledge is false, don't blame me for it. Anyway, needless to say, it was an amazing 4 days during which Clayton and I both made a lot of new friends and got to spend ample amounts of quality time with our two favorite 3 and 6 year olds. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my camera; so, the only pictures I have are from my phone or from our Texan friend's 1980s camera (love you Nathan)... (you too Timmy). Here are some captured moments:

1-3= Me, Bailey, & Virginia
as Batman and Wonder Woman
4= Virginia in Timmy's glasses
5= Clayton with a baby that
she almost legitimately abducted.
That dashingly handsome young man
is Brett, our eager/willing, not-at-all
reluctant prom date.

I almost learned how to "Dougie" andddd I won my first DJ Ozz t-shirt in 20 years, at which point I was made aware by the words "Good effort" that this was indeed a "pity prize" and was probably aimed to be some sort of bribe to get me to stop dancing and making a fool out of myself. But making a fool out of myself is what I'm good at; so, did I take that unsolicited advice to heart and stop dancing?... NO, because these boots were made for dancing and that's just what they do... ( n.b. I was wearing cowgirl boots).
*Libel Disclaimer: "The views expressed by this author do not necessarily reflect the views of this website..."and the content is irrefutably an opinion. I hereby declare that I have no "malice" towards anyone mentioned heretofore and may have embellished most of my accounts for an effectively climactic denouement.

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