Monday, December 12, 2011
Who knows where we'll be tomorrow, what if we're never here again?
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Like Crazy Is Making Me Crazy...
Ok, so I was already crazy...
Basicallyyyy, it's VITAL that I see this movie, stat.
Monday, September 5, 2011
This and That
But anyways... school started for me a few of weeks ago. I FINALLY decided on a major yall. I mean it only took me 4 years, no big deal. I chose Sociology. However, I still am not exactly sure what I want to do with it yet. I've been thinking though that I would like to help kids who are sick (cancer mainly I guess). There is a lady I know that was a Sociology major and she got a job where she helps counsels adults with cancer and she said that she could never do that with children though, and this was before I had even thought about it. I didn't really think anything about it when she told me at first but now I can't stop thinking about it. So, maybe that is a sign or something.
On a different note, we have received a new girl at work. I wanted to bang my head into a wall nonstop on her first day. First of all she talks to herself CONSTANTLY. She also says things like "howdy partner" and "okie dokie artichokie". OK, I know I am weird. People tell me all the time that I am the weirdest person they have ever met. Which is fine because at least I am funny. She told me several things that she thought were hilarious and I had to force something that hopefully resembled somewhat of a smile, at the same time I was thinking about running in front of the next car that drove by. Oh, and did I mention that I will be working with her EVERYDAY? She also told me that she was "planning on working here for the next 2 years but hopefully even longer, it just all depends on her school schedule that third year." Are you kidding me? She already has it planned out? SHE HAS BEEN HERE FOR A WEEK. The other day she asked me if I would like to see pictures of her lizard but before I could even respond she was forcing her phone in my face. She then said "her name is Lucy! but, I like to call her Lucymclucerson or Lucyfer!" Anyways, I am sure that a lot of my next posts (if I ever get around to it) will be what ridiculously things have come out of her mouth.
Friday, August 26, 2011
I don't have time for this title crap.
"[something I can't remember blah blah]... Finally in Amelia's room."
It's also supposed to be a "before and after" of some furniture I painted for Amelia and Tyler's apartment, but since I always forget to take the "before" pictures, it's really just a "half-way through" and after picture.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
So today is the first day of school, but I'm at work right now, you know, trying to make the "monties" to support my spending habits. Work, by the way, is where I'll be spending every minute of my time that I'm not in class until 4:45, when my place of occupation officially "closes" for the day, which prevents me from being able to get overtime... But alas I cannot challenge the bureaucracy of such a giant institution... at least not on this topic (you know you have to pick your battles, and I have too many other ones that need tending to first).
I returned from New York last Thursday, and this time I finally convinced my aunt that it was absolutely dire that I see Brooklyn. Unfortunately, it did not result in my seeing Andrew Vanwyngarden or any other famous person; but, I think I've decided that if I ever actually did meet him or any other famous person of my fancy, it would shatter the illusion that we could ever be friends in real life and would take away from my whimsical fantasies. So, I'm okay if I never meet him; besides, in the grand scheme of things, thats probably somewhere like 3rd lowest on my list of priorities.
Now, God really must feel empathy for my intolerance of hot weather (which usually includes anything above 80 degrees), because somehow, Katie and I brought the mild weather with us to New York. It was so much cooler than the suffocating, oppressive, hell-like conditions that besmirch the name of the South. There was actually a good breeze, and it was mostly overcast (which I, for one, thoroughly enjoy), not to mention that it was generally 15 degrees cooler than it had been before we got there. Now, for some reason Grand Central and the subway system apparently were not built with the inclination that an air conditioner would be a good idea, because it was definitely 30 degrees hotter in there than it was outside. But nonetheless, it was very agreeable weather for August.
Speaking of the subway, I had a unique experience on one returning to Grand Central from Brooklyn. See, what had happen was, there was this guy, Edwin, selling candy bars on the subway. He went from car to car announcing to everyone that he was selling them for 1$ to help him "do something good" with his "time." Now, naturally, I assumed that probably meant buying crack or whatever, so when he looked at me directly and asked me if I wanted to buy one I said "Ehhhh, not really...." But to my credit, at least I treated him like a human being and showed him some respect by answering him and not completely ignoring his existence like the first people he asked did. But ooohhh no, that didn't matter to Edwin, he wanted me to buy his dadgum candy bars, so he said,
"... These are anti-racial candy bars,"
and I said "Whattt?" (probably with my head cocked sideways)
and he said "... anti-racial candy bars... means they'll make you not hate anybody no more..."
So I said "Oh, well I hate everybody..."
And he said, "Oh, yea well white people always hate everybody."
WHATTTTTTTTT????!!!... Let that sink in for a minute....
First of all, I'm pretty sure what he was meaning to say was that they were "anti-racist" candy bars, not anti-racial. But nevertheless, it was all I could do to pick my mouth up off the floor as he walked to the other side of the subway car (apparently, I had really pissed him off...?) then I whispered to myself "I'm telling!" as if there were some authority figure there that could scold him for calling me a racist in front of everyone on the subway and walk away leaving me confused and speechless, wondering what had just happen, hindering me from being able to respond properly. [See, I told you my brain can't do two things at once!] I've gotten over it, but I'll admit, it stung for a while.
Lastly, I would like to officially, publicly announce that I now have another blog that I contribute to with Clayton about all our episodes and antics that come from living with each other for the first time. I'll also update any projects/crafts that I do for the apartment on that blog, but my regular crafts will stay on this blog.
Here's some pictures from New York:
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Walking across the Brooklyn Bridge (I would have rather driven) |
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At a cool Italian cafe in Brooklyn. I can't remember the name of it though. |
Monday, August 1, 2011
I Just Want to Say "Hello"
Also, Clayton and I are moving in soon, the actual day, depending on how well we can pester the last tenant and the realty company into getting out so we can get it. But before we "get in," I have to finish a seemingly incessant amount of furniture that needs to be updated.
Look at this hot mess. And that's not even all of it.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Hopefully, this distance has made your heart for me grow fonder...
The cork boards, which (according to Clayton) might go in our kitchen, and will probably be used to display some pictures, notes, lists, etc. After all, I didn't do them on cork board for nothing. Oh, and "The South" one isn't done yet, so I'll probably put a picture of it up when it is.
And the dresser for my room, which will be followed my the "refurbishing" of a side table for the den and the kitchen table and chairs.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
"Britain shoulda just left us alone..."
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Our couch!!!! |
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I'm actually starting to enjoy laughing at how miserably I fail every time I take a "candid" picture... |

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
This is about to get REAL sentimental y'all...
I've never been the type to have a lot of friends, always just a few close ones. I think this is partly because, when it comes to purely platonic friendships, I'm always really bad at keeping in touch. Honestly, if it weren't for Clayton being my connection to the outside world, I would probably forget there is one. I'm probably the least "thoughtful" person I know, which I find too ironic because seemingly all of my time is spent in an incessantly intricate stream of consciousness. I don't know what I'm thinking about all of the time, but apparently it isn't about maintaining healthy relationships with the people I love. In essence, if you're my friend (platonically), you will probably almost never get a phone call or text message saying "Hey, how are you?... What's been going on?... What's new..." etc. [On the contrary, if you are of the male race and you've ever ignored me or "accidentally" forgotten to answer me, then I can attest that I probably relentlessly continued trying to contact you until, finally, my "out of sight, out of mind" mechanism kicked in; and if it didn't kick in, well, I'm sorry... I guess. I seem to be one of those who "likes the chase," although I've been informed that is usually a male characteristic, so I can't explain the source of that.] I also cannot for the life of me explain the aforementioned phenomenon, but I can assure you (friends) it has nothing to do with how much I love you.
I say all of that [which was probably unnecessary] to emphasize how much I care about the friends that I do choose to have, despite my lack of correspondence; and, lately, most of my friends have been leaving {to go on trips, or get a job, or get married, etc.}. Seriously, I could give a relatively long list. But the ones that won't be coming back are the ones that I'm writing to today. So this is my attempt at "thoughtfulness."
It all started with Meagan and Anna being the coolest people I knew in high school. Yep, I remember my first YL and getting to know you two over that next year and a half. You always made us feel special even though you both are the type of people who know everyone and constantly have someone competing for your attention because everyone loves you. You and all the other leaders showed us that being the person God made us to be (which means not sinning like a impulsive, uncontrollable heathen) is the way to live. Soon, we were all right there with you in college; and, when I did my whole attempt at YL Quest and found myself realizing how truly horrible I am at talking to people and making friends, Holly was right there to make me feel like less of a socially inept loser. And when Meagan, Anna, and Holly were all moving away, they didn't just abandon me; they gave me Hannah, because they knew I would need someone who's as awesome as they are to be a good influence on me.
Well now all 4 of you are in super serious relationships {married, getting married, or on your way to it} and you're all grown up... and it's weird. But seriously, Anna, I remember when you started dating Brian and when I got to hear about the newly romantic little details on the way to watch Hannah F.'s tennis match. And Meagan, I remember feeling privileged in knowing the ups and downs of that certain relationship you had that certain time... well now it seems that you got yourself a real winner! Woo! haha. And Holly I don't know your newly acquired fiance but he looks awesome, so congratulations :). And Hannah, well, I guess I kind of like Marc, I mean, he's okay. :D hahaha
This probably would've gone a lot better/shorter if I had just written each of you separately, but I don't think before I do things, so I'm gonna wrap it up. In conclusion, the time I had with y'all wasn't enough and never will be. I could never get enough of all of your wonderful selves and you'll always be "the coolest people I know." I'll always wish I had gotten more pictures with you and always wish I had known you even better, but God only gave us a certain amount of time and I thank Him every time I think of you guys because I wouldn't be the same person if I hadn't known you. You and I will probably never know how greatly you impacted my life but I'm just glad to be able to say I know you. : )
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Monday, June 27, 2011
It's Happening Again...
This has taken me a while to write because I couldn't decide what I actually wanted to write and what was probably best to leave out... And believe me, I've left out a lot, mostly words that would only come from that bitterness I was talking about; and, even if those words are true, it would probably only hurt people. But I will say this: I've never really been one to have to "swallow my pride" because I've never really had a problem with pride, which I consider a relatively good thing seeing as how God hates pride; BUT one thing that I have consistently lacked throughout my life is self-respect, and that is one thing that I am probably going to be working on for the rest of my life.
So how about we let this be my first official example of my initiative to actively demonstrate respect for myself:
I'm not putting myself "out there" with this certain "group" of people anymore, because after trying time and time again to establish my own relationship with you and not continue relying on the mutual one we have through my actual friends, I'm done. I know I won't see you or hear from you until our mutual friends return home from their summer missions. I'm sure we'll all inevitably end up at the same place and I'll try to pretend like I think you're amusing or interesting at all and like we have anything in common other than the fact that we're Christians and are doing our best to be good ones. But clearly you're not interested in me or my friendship since there has been no effort to communicate on your part, therefore, I'll stop trying to establish one.
P.S. I know (partly from your lack of concern for me) that you won't even read/see this, but I feel better just having written it down. See ya when I see ya.
In conclusion, this is not bitterness and, no, I have not given into those temptations. Things are not black and white, and just because people aren't perfect doesn't mean I should give up on trying to live my life the way God has intended. People will never be perfect and they will always let you down, but God won't, because He is perfect. So I'm continuing this relatively well behaved streak that I have going and I'm doing it for God, because I want to please Him, not people.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Lions, and Tigers, and Bears...
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They were pretty lackadaisical... |
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But who wouldn't be in this forsaken heat. |
Two of the shenanigans that Clayton and I got into this weekend were a visit to the zoo and a visit to Redneckville, or, more specifically, shooting guns with Clayton's brother and his friend. I had never shot a shotgun before, so that was a new experience. They're not kidding when they say it kicks... Say I did have good aim and did know what I was doing, well by the time I pull the trigger, that's all gone to crap. It kicks me so far off balance that the chance those little pellets have of even grazing that skeet is so remote, it's unfair. Where they're going and where that little soaring skeet is going are so ghastly transverse, it's kind of scary. Now, to clarify, I was made aware about 3/4 of the way through that I had been looking through the wrong eye (closing the wrong one). Upon correcting this, I was astonished at how much easier it was to aim... but I still missed, despite shooting 3 consecutive rounds at the same fleeting target... But hey, Clayton got one!... using that same overkill method, I believe... At least it worked for somebody.

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I can't rightly say, sir. Just us feeding our narcissism's appetite. |
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
This Magic Moment...
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1-3= Me, Bailey, & Virginia as Batman and Wonder Woman 4= Virginia in Timmy's glasses 5= Clayton with a baby that she almost legitimately abducted. |
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That dashingly handsome young man is Brett, our eager/willing, not-at-all reluctant prom date. |
I almost learned how to "Dougie" andddd I won my first DJ Ozz t-shirt in 20 years, at which point I was made aware by the words "Good effort" that this was indeed a "pity prize" and was probably aimed to be some sort of bribe to get me to stop dancing and making a fool out of myself. But making a fool out of myself is what I'm good at; so, did I take that unsolicited advice to heart and stop dancing?... NO, because these boots were made for dancing and that's just what they do... ( n.b. I was wearing cowgirl boots).
*Libel Disclaimer: "The views expressed by this author do not necessarily reflect the views of this website..."and the content is irrefutably an opinion. I hereby declare that I have no "malice" towards anyone mentioned heretofore and may have embellished most of my accounts for an effectively climactic denouement.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
You Get What You Give
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This was before the welcome sign. |
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This is the welcome sign... inspired by "southernness" |

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Again. Might change things later but this is it for now. |
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
who reads titles anymore
ANYWAYS.. My aunt sent me an article earlier this week and one of the last paragraphs stated "The more you love the Universe, the more it loves you. You can sulk, mope and despair about what's not right in your life, or you can look at what you do have and find something there to value and appreciate. Changing your attitude changes everything." I love that.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Irrelevant Title. (Supreme Double Entendre)
you need "to get into the deep beautiful melancholy of everything that's happened;" because, sometimes, it's good for you. Besides, if you don't, and you just suppress it and bury it deep down inside, like statistically most middle-aged white men do, then you'll eventually erupt and go on a crazy, homicidal rampage and ruin your life. And no one wants that. Also, if this melancholy is a product of your own foolishness and its consequences, then, if you let Him, God can/will help you learn something from it and eventually get you back onto the narrow path you deviated from, with some newly acquired knowledge to apply this go-around. Believe me when I say this, because most of my significant life experiences have consisted of this, because God knows that my "spirit is willing but the flesh is weak". Jesus actually said that in Matthew 26:41 but Paul knows a lot about it too, and he wrote 2 really good chapters on it in Romans, hence I linked them. Anyyyyyway, all of this was sort of an unintentional lead up to a let down, because what I was supposed to blog about was Rob Bell's new book "Love Wins." I honestly don't even want to italicize it because it's so blasphemous, I fear drawing any attention to it; but, I guess that's inevitable seeing as how I'm writing about it. I wanted to wait until I had the chance to listen to my own pastor's sermon addressing this issue, but it seems that isn't going to happen due to "technical difficulties." So here goes my personal epistle on the matter.
When I was in high school and participated in Young Life, one of the things we did was watch these Nooma videos by Rob Bell. Bell is artsy/hip/cool and very alluring with his thick-rimmed glass, platinum blonde/trimmed hair, trendy clothes, and intimidatingly precocious demeanor. So when I thought he was the coolest preacher ever and wanted to show my parents one of the videos we had watched, I was sort of surprised that they were not as captivated by him as I was. No, they didn't really like what he said at all, because they knew that I hadn't noticed what they had: a subtle, hidden deviance from truth. My parents knew 3 years ago that there was something shady about Rob Bell and the things he acts so sure of. From then on, if I watched one of his nooma's, I did so skeptically. I would like to clarify, also, that I don't think Young Life or my leaders at the time had any perception of Bell's clandestine nature and certainly did not foresee him writing a book that forsakes the basic principles of Christianity. I like that word (forsake) here, because it's eloquent in its divinity.
The idea in this book that is under the most scrutiny is that of the notion that hell does not exist, which is absurd (it's in the Bible more times than I can count). The title itself is misleading and irrelevant to that specific (asinine) concept. Yeah, love does win: if you love Jesus, you won't lose your life (perish), but you'll win everlasting life. But that's not what Bell was trying to convey when he titled his book. I don't actually know what he was trying to say, because I can't possibly imagine what sadistic, twisted paradox he was trying to apply to that title. (Also I haven't read it, nor am I going to.) All I know is that he knew what he was doing when he named it that because he is gifted in the art of rhetoric and knows how to grab people's attention. I'm not trying to make Rob Bell seem like the anti-Christ because God loves him too, and I'm sure, is very upset about Bell's unfortunate divergence from truth. But I'm not going to let any pity I might have for him overwhelm my scrupulosity of his deceitfulness.
Honestly, this is all just very sad, and I hope that if you were unsure before you read this, now you know.
Monday, May 9, 2011
As you all [hopefully] know, this weekend was Mother's Day weekend, which, for me, meant that I got to spend a good 3 days away from most civilization in the little treasure of a town called Summerville, GA (right next to Snuffyville, if that helps you out). It also meant that I spent good, quality time with my family, including my cousin/b.f.f.a.e.a.e., Katie (the other author of this blog, which I would hope you know by now). Also included was an out-of-the-ordinary, non-Christmas visit by my Aunt Kristy, all the way from New York. Anyway, to pass some of the time, Katie and I took a little trip to Rome to see a movie. Unfortunately, Rome in this instance, is only that of Floyd County, GA (for those of you who aren't aware of this charming north-Georgia town, either), and not that of Italy, which I would love to see some day. But I digress. The movie we chose was Something Borrowed.

Now, I don't normally rant or rave over romantic comedies due to the (typically) completely false view of life/love that they subliminally give women of all ages; but, this one was really good. Maybe it's just because John Krasinski is one of my many celebrity boyfriends or maybe it's because this romantic comedy was particularly more comedic than most (thanks to John no doubt); but either way, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Aunt Kristy also brought her own selection of movies for the family to enjoy together. One of which was The King's Speech. I had been wanting to see this, mainly because it won some awards and I wanted to see what was so good about it. Well, it won those awards for a reason, because it was superb. I used that word because it sounds British to me and I thought it was appropriate.
And last but not least of the movies I saw this weekend is Water for Elephants, which I fully expected to be just like another one of those Nicholas Sparks books-turned-movie (despite the fact that it was definitely not written by Sparks). I guess that just shows my severe lack of insight into the world of literature (probably due to the fact that I don't read). Anyway, suffice it to say I was very pleasantly surprised. There were even a few action sequences that actually did have me on the "edge of my seat" saying "Get him! Get him!"... Oh and Rob Pattinson didn't hurt, either.
Here are a couple pictures of the card I drew my mom for Mother's Day, by the way.
I suppose they're kind of personal, but I'm pretty proud of this since I'm not typically the best at hand-lettering.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Mi CumpleaƱos Feliz
Thursday, April 14, 2011
A Lot of Nothing
ANYWAYS… other than that nothing exciting has been going on in my life (not that that was exciting). I went to Auburn a few weekends ago with some of my friends to celebrate my friend Holly’s 21st birthday, well, and to see my cousin of course. It was nice to get away. Maybe eventually I can be there for good. Well not for good but a little while at least.
My nephew turned THREE a couple of weeks ago. He is seriously the cutest thing ever. The other day we tried to get him to say helicopter because there was one in the sky and he called it an “appledoctor”. He also showed me how to use a fork the other day because apparently just because I don’t like to eat chicken nuggets with a fork means I don’t know how to use one. He definitely gets that from his great-grandmother.