Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Like Crazy Is Making Me Crazy...

Ok, so I was already crazy...

Basicallyyyy, it's VITAL that I see this movie, stat.

I don't usually gush like a starry-eyed, lovesick teenager (especially about romantic movies), but.... this trailer has me weak-at-the-knees, heart-fluttering, anticipating, and, frankly, intoxicated on love. Ew. 
Oh, well. What can I say... when you subliminally enchant me with background music like Star's "Dead Hearts" (one of my favorites) and Ingrid Michaelson's "Can't Help Falling In Love", you leave me defenseless and, alas, my usually jaded facade falls. 
Anyway, PARAMOUNT, if you don't play this movie in a theatre near me on Oct. 28th, you'll leave me no choice but to do some less-than-legal things to get my greedy, love-crazed eyes on this movie. Don't put it past me.