ALRIGHT THAT’S IT!!!!!!! I am SICK of somebody always having to rain on our parade. I really cannot make myself understand why the media majority hates Auburn so much. WHAT have we done? What did we do to personally to everyone who thinks he has the right to hate us, because that’s what this is, HATE. It takes time and effort to hate someone/something, and that sure is what all of these people seem to have a lot of: spare time and effort. And it’s too bad they’re using it this way, because they seem to have a lot of “fire” and “passion” that I’m sure could be positively and usefully directed towards something else. And the really funny thing is that this is almost always brought on my something surrounding FOOTBALL. You know, it's funny because I don't recall going to college to learn more about football; and yet that seems to be what college is about according to the general consensus. Whenever you ask someone from the North or anywhere else more that 100 miles away why they chose Auburn, their answer usually consists of something along the lines of "Well, I heard football was really awesome down here," or "I wanted to experience the football and tailgating atmosphere" etc. I find this sad, mainly because they are paying somewhere upwards of $21,916 (out of state) every 2 semesters to a university whose average acceptance ACT score is a 27 and is renown for more than several of its colleges, all because they wanted to watch a football game; but I don't know, maybe they're extremely good at multitasking and can be dually and equally focused on both their studies and their athletic obsession.
And as for the allegations that we paid our players, if we did, then I hope we do get punished and take it "like a man" so as to thwart any possibility in the future of us getting ourselves into this situation again because some ignorant redneck with some say-so in Auburn athletics had "a good idea." It's never a good idea, Bubba. If you don't want to get caught doing something, then don't do it. If you don't like the rules, then change them. It shouldn't be that hard if it's obvious no one likes the rule because everyone is breaking it.
I'm also "disappointed" in the quality of athletes we supposedly paid to play for us. There they go with those good ideas again: breaking into people's houses, accusing their own school of bribing them to play, which was obviously induced by a bribe itself, because what possible benefit could they receive from doing that unless it was accompanied with a monetary incentive. In one sentence they just discredited themselves, their team, their achievements, and the institution at which they spent several years... for money?... I suppose. And as for the burglaries, I can only hope that they were high on some kind of drug and were thereby coerced by some figment of their cracked-out imagination into going up to Candy Mountain, breaking into the Unicorn's lair to steal a pot of gold, and flying back down to reality which turned out to be someone's house.
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It would have been perfect if there had been just one more unicorn. |